K E G E L F A M I L Y . O R G K E G E L . O R G
![]() Always Under Construction Welcome to the new home of KegelFamily.com! This is to be a site for the far-flung members of the Kegel family to store and share information, photos, favorite links, and whatever. Many people can claim membership in the Kegel family; this site has been started by the St. Louis branch of the Milwaukee family. The St. Louis branch is now scattered across three corners of the US - Redmond, WA, Washington, DC (Penberthy), Washington, DC (Hintz), St. Louis, MO, and Tampa, FL. Some short-cuts:
Please check back soon as more content is added.
All use subject to Terms of Service, available here. Copyright (c) 2000-2025 Andrew G. Kegel All Rights Reserved Kegel.org Home Page